Mla Format For Website

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  1. Mla Format For Websites
Mla format for website articles

MLA style paper. Does your research or term paper require MLA format? Use this accessible template to help you follow the proper guidelines. Includes styles formatted to match MLA guidelines and instructional text to assist you in easily creating your report. In MLA, in-text citations are inserted in the body of your research paper to briefly document the source of your information. Brief in-text citations point the reader to more complete information in the works cited list at the end of the paper. In-text citations include the last name of the author followed by a page number enclosed in parentheses.

Mla format for website source

MLA Style:Citing websites and web pages(based on the 7th edition of the MLA Handbook)Citing websites and web pages can be tricky. Not all websites and webpages have all components. Here are the parts you should list if youcan find them. Citation examples are at the bottom of the page.Author, editor, or compilerNot all web pages and websites list thenames of individual (personal) authors, editors, or compilers. Begin thecitation with the title if there are no authors.When creating a citation, list authorslast name first. Example: Didd,Katy.'

Title of Document'This is usually at the top of the page, and also maybe at the very top of your browser. The documenttitle only refers to one part or page of a website - for example the 'Johnny Depp' entryon the Internet Movie Database website, or the 'H1N1 Flu' page on theCDC's website.Whencreating a citation put the title in ' ' (quotation marks).Title of WebsiteLike the document title, this is usuallyat the top of the page, and also may be at the verytop of your browser. Websites are a collection of individual pages - forexample, the Internet Movie Database, the Occupational Outlook Handbook, TheDaily Show, or Wikipedia are all websites, not pages.If you are using an individual web page and want to know the name of thewebsite where it resides, use the home button to get back to the main pagefor the entire website.

If there is no 'home' button, deleteeverything in the URLafter the domain name and get to 'home' that an exampleof a shortened or 'home' URL.When creating acitation put the website title in italics.Institution or organization associated with the siteYou want to discover the university, government agency,business, etc. That is responsible for or is publishing the site. You can often find this in the copyrightstatement.When creating a citation use n.p. For 'no publisher' if youare unable to find this information.Date of electronic publication or last updateThis information is usually found at thebottom of the page. If there is a copyright date, it is often in the copyright statement or near it.When creating a citation note day, month, year - inthat order. Example - 15 Dec. For 'no date' if nodate of publication copyright date, or date of update is given.

Abbreviate long months, suchas January (Jan.) or December (Dec.).ORMedium of publicationMLA lists electronic sources, such as webpages, as 'web publications.' When creating citations for websites andweb pages use 'Web' as the publication medium.Date of accessDate of access is the date you found andused the material. You should always be able to include this in acitation!Remember, when creating a citation dates are written in aparticular order - day, month, year.

Mla Format For Websites

Example - 17 Nov. 2009Web address or MLA no longer requires web addresses incitations, but suggests that you include them anyway as your professors maystill require them.

Put angle signs (carets) around the web address.Citation examples These examples show the correct order ofcitation elements and the correct punctuation to use. Notice that MLAcitations also require indentation.websiteThe Internet Movie Database., Inc,2009. Web.29 Oct.2009.web page'Johnny Depp.' The Internet Movie, Inc, n.d.

All sources that you quote or paraphrase must be listed as references on your works cited page, as well as cited parenthetically within the text. Modern Language Association style calls for most sources to be identified by the author's last name. This can be problematic when no author is listed, as is common with some websites, but the MLA has published clear guidelines for the proper citation of Internet sourcesArrange your reference in this general format:'Title of Page.'

Name of website. Name of Publisher, Date of Publication. Medium of Publication. Date of Access.For example:'Tips for Fighting Ninjas.' Martial Arts Online, 24 Jan. 2010.Use 'n.p.'

If no publisher is listed. If no date of publication is listed. For example:'Tips for Fighting Ninjas.' 2010.Alphabetize your reference by its title, since no author is listed.Format your in-text citation so the title is listed instead of the last name of the author. If the web page is paginated, give the page number you are citing.


For example:('Tips for Fighting Ninjas' 3)If no page number is listed, simply cite the title of the page. For example:('Tips for Fighting Ninjas')Position your citation directly after the quoted passage in your text.

For example:One website recommends that you carry 'mace, armor, and ninja stars' ('Tips for Fighting Ninjas').