Kotor 2 Lightsaber Hilt Mod
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Mar 02, 2016 Animated Lightsaber Blades is a recent upload to Deadlystream that has a different hilt for each blade colour and claims to be TSLRCM compatible, and Holowan Duplisaber is a mod that is attempting to make USM compatible with TSLRCM. It's still in beta though, and it's been a while since it has received an update, so I'm not sure how well it. It's specifically the hilt mod that's having these problems, not the bladed ones. I suspect, though I don't know for sure, that the problem is somewhere in either the.mdl,.mdx, or the.txi files. I have a few of the mod tools on my computer, but nothing that will open those types of files so that I can provide more information to you all.
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Kotor 2 Pc Mods
Weapons - Lightsabers. Weapons - Misc.