Soal Uts Bahasa Arab Kelas 4 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013

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Soal UTS Bahasa Arab MI Kelas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Semester 2 Tahun 2018/2019 ini merupakan update terbaru kami yang akan admin bagikan dalam kesempatan yang baik ini. Beberapa Soal UTS Bahasa Arab MI ini sudah dilengkapi dengan Kunci Jawabannya atau Pembahasannya untuk memudahkan dalam persiapan pembekalan ujian.Baik untuk Kurikulum 2013 maupun KTSP, soal ini mungkin cocok untuk digunakan seluruhnya atau sebagian.

Silabus Bahasa Arab Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) Kelas 1,2,4,5 Kurikulum 2013 Terbaru adalah kerangka acuan penyusunan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran untuk setiap mata pelajaran di madrasah ibtidaiyah (MI) mapel Bahasa Arab yang berisi komponen identitas mata pelajaran, yaitu Bahasa Arab, identitas satuan pendidikan, kompetensi inti dan kompetensi dasar, indikator pencapaian kompetensi, materi.

CHOOSE A, B, C OR D FOR THE CORRECT ANSWER!Text to number 1 – 5Rina like fruits. She always eats fruits everyday.Rina very like apple. The colour of apple is red.The apple tastes is sweet.1. Who is in the text?a. Rina always eats fruits.a. The colour of apple is.a. The apple tastes is.a.

Apple = ei - pi – pi – el.a. Rina = ar – ai – en.a. Nino: “How are you Dinda?”Dinda: “.”a. Teacher: “Good morning student”Students: “.”a. Good bye teacherb. Good morning teacherc. Good evening teacher10.

Dika: “What is your name?”Sela: “. Nose in Indonesian is.a.

Daun berwarna hijauThe english sentences is.a. The leaf is redb. The leaf is yellowc. The leaf is green15. Bunga Matahari berwarna kuning. The english sentences is.a. The sunflower is darkb.

The sunflower is yellowa. The sunflower is purple17. Jari saya adalah sepuluh. Sepuluh in English is.a. (dua belas)a. Saya punya dua mata. The english sentences is.a.

I have two eyesb. I have four eyesc. I have two nose21. In the table.

( Penggaris)a. Ruler22.The girl likes read a.a. P – P – L – E – A =.a. W – E – L – Y – L - O =.a. I – mother – love – My.

The correct order is.a. Love mother my Ib. Love I my motherc. I love my mother. FILL IN THE BLANK WITH THE CORRECT ANSWER!1. The apple is (Hijau).2. Ibu in English is.3.

The cows have. Nine, ten., twelve.6. I learn in the School = Saya belajar di.8.

Penghapus in english is.9. P – N – E – L – I – C =.10. Fruits – like – I. The correct order is.C. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS!1. Arrange the words!a.

Is - that - book – ab. Like – Rina – bananaJawab.2.

Soal Uts Bahasa Arab Kelas 4 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013

Spell this words!a. Translate this words into Indonesian language!a.


Complete this sentences!a. Eleven, twelve, thirteen., fifteen., seventeen.b. Translate this words into english language!a. Siapa namamu?b. Tim grover relentless review.

Soal Ukk Kelas 4 Sd

Bagaimana kabarmu?Jawab. I like fruitsC. Arrange the words:a. Is - that - book – a = That is bookb.

Like – Rina – banana = Rina like banana2. Spell this words:a. Books = Bi – o – o – kei - esb. Pencils = Pi – ei – en – ci – ai – el – es3. Translate this words into Indonesian language:a.

Hair = Rambutb. Mouth = Mulut4. Complete this sentences:a. Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen.b. I have one nose and two ears.5.

Soal Uts Bahasa Arab Kelas 4 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2018

Translate this words into english language:a. Siapa namamu? = What is your name?b. Bagaimana kabarmu? = How are you?