Oblivion Best Mage Robes
Wondering what gear to look for if you want to be the best mage? Well, here ya go. I ll be making this for the Warrior and the Thief/Archer. Remember to 'Like' the video, it really does help me out. Just started Oblivion and my mage is having some trouble. Should I be wearing armor? And if so what kind? Should I wear armor as a mage in Oblivion? Seeyouspacec0wboy Member Uncommon Posts: 699. And nothing past 85 has any further effect on armor. So enchant some normal clothing/robes, and what not, with the shield, and when you enter. In the world of Skyrim, most inhabitants are warriors, thieves or archers. Mages are few and far between. That's why being a mage in this land can be a real challenge, though, done right, it is an incredibly rewarding and fun way to play the game.
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Oblivion Best Mage Robes In Dragon Age Origins
Character Class Guide: Building a Mage Introduction & Quick ThanksIf you have any suggestions or disagreements about content found in this guide, please either send me a PM or leave a comment in the relevant section.Thank you to the fine community at, which is a ridiculously complete wiki for all things Elder Scrolls. I had no idea why my Oblivion characters were so weak until I found that site. A good portion of this work was created from the ideas that I found on that site.They have pages on everything, including character creation, quest hints, enchantment ideas, and links to mods for the PC version. Initial Character CreationStarting off in the jails of the Imperial City, you immediately have to decide what your character is going to be. With so many different options available, it's not an easy task to figure out how to make a decent mage. The following sections should help give you an idea on how to tackle the different aspects of your character that will increase your magic power at an early stage.