Menghitung Counter External Interrupt

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Internal Interrupt

8051: Timer, Counter & Interrupts Timers and Counters. The external interrupt flags are cleared on branching to Interrupt Service Routine (ISR), provided the interrupt is negative edge triggered. For low level triggered external interrupt as well as for serial interrupt, the corresponding flags have to be cleared by software by the. Handle the interrupt in the Interrupt Service Routine code. INT1 and INT0 enable the two interrupts. MCUCR helps in configuring the type of interrupt, level, edge triggered etc. The I-bit in SREG is the master control for all interrupts in AVR micro-controller. Observe the sequence it is turned on after all the interrupts are configured. Kegunaan sensor ini adalah sebagai penghitung jarak robot terhadap putaran, jadi kita tau dimana dan kapan kita akan berhenti.Prinsip kerja dari rotary encoder ini adalah menghitung putarnan yang berpusat pada shaft rotary tersebut, setiap putaran yang terjadi rotary mengeluarkan pulse counter up maupun counter down, jadi kita hanya perlu.

Menghitung Counter External Interrupt Control

I would do the same thing using interrupt. In main program you have loop where you go into sleep mode, but output signal once you wake up, and then go sleep again. Set up edge trigger interrupt to increment global variable. In interrupt you also check if you are ready to output a signal, then wake up main thread. Main thread/loop will wake up and trigger output signal and then go to sleep.Make sure you pick sleep mode that is compatible with your interrupt.You can trigger output inside your interrupt, but it will make your interrupt last way longer.