Divinity 2 Warfare Build

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  1. Divinity Original Sin 2 Warfare Build

Year agoHere's an interesting challenge: Use this build (or minor variation) from the very start in Honour Mode as a solo lone wolf character (no Fane). No respeccing allowed, so you need to work on your final build from the beginning. No stealing from vendors or other OP cash-making cheese. No using play dead or fleeing with skills like Tactical Retreat to reset fights and pick enemies off one at a time. Movement skills ok as long as the fight isn't reset.

Invisibility ok (like Cloak or potions) as long as fight isn't reset. Been trying this out and it is very difficult. The problem is making it past the early game and tough fights like the turtles, crocs and frogs. Year agoIt's tough that's for sure.

Divinity original sin 2 aerotheurge warfare build

So I did a respec after watching this. Then reran the final battle in tactician. Opened with blood storm, criticals and lost armor all around, blood rain, everyone is bleeding, grasp of the starved and all but dallas and lucian are dead, not much left on those two, Lohse cleans them up. Is there anyway someone could help me with a 3man (no lone wolf obviously) 2h knight build. I have a hard time seeing how a warfare build can be viable in 3 or 4 player builds. Or maybe an Ultimate 2h Warrior build NOT a Death knight build. Cant find a video for warfare/2h knight to save my life rn.


First attempt I tried Sebille and Necro/Summoning to start (but I limited myself to only the Necro slug summons) and it was too squishy. Now I'm trying Red Prince with early points in Str and Con to use plate armor and shield (could also try 2-hander), and points into Warfare/Necro then Geo (level 2) and Poly (level 3 - cloak and chicken). Memory for more spell slots. Start pumping up Int after enough in Str. Seems like it can work. Meteor (oil slick) plus flame breath combo helps with crowds. Still difficult, but should get easier if I can make it to level 4.

Plan is to ultimately have your build build here, or a hybrid with your other necro build. Agree it's not for everyone, but fun if you like a challenge. Year agoRPG Division wow what a quick answer!!!

Thanks a milion will certainly try that (once the kids sleep 😀 ). May I ask one more?

I’ve startred the game with Ifan as my main. Pure physical crossbow dmg, sebille as a rogue with pure physicall, lohse as enchanter and red prince as a fighter.I’d like to build 2/2 magical/physical. And i have no idea who should be the second magical and how to build him. Any short tip?


I dont like the prince that much so i thought i would twist him into some mage. (loved your hybrid party video). Thanks a lot!!!. Year agoYes, it is viable whole game.Every point into INT until you need more Memory slots.Then when INT is about 30 (base, not with gear) id start putting points into wits.From combat abilities put 3 points into necromancy max and that is gonna be enough for the whole game. Up to you when you want to get to those 3 points (another option is putting 1 point and through gear getting to 3).Combat abilites either prioritize warfare or retribution. Dont neglect the other one, put couple of points into that. Year ago +6Palladins levels 18-20 on that bridge on tactician are very weak mobs?

Youre now just trying to annoy me, nothing more.Wtf has CC got to do with immortality?Its about restoring your HP and Armor while killing enemies easily in the process. Thats it.You can take any build you want. I would take always more interesting build then maxed out build.

Divinity Original Sin 2 Warfare Build

Id take every time something that is more fun to play. Clearing enemies with Apotheosis + anything else is not my way of fun. Also those skills become accessible only when you hit 16. What would you do be4 that then? That is where these builds come in play. No ultimate abilites means everyone can use them, not just during end game.Anyway, my last response.

No point in discussing anything anymore cause we will never see eye to eye.Seems to me youre basing a lot of it on assumptions and not experience.Enjoy your time with the game. Year ago1 good combo that I use is:vs Single target - Reduce the armor from the enemy to 0 Cast Fortify on you Cast Bone Cage Cast Shackles of Pain on the enemy than Cast Reactive Armour - Doing this you will double damage on the enemy because Reactive Armour does damage on you and with Shackles of Pain will give some damage back to him.vs 2 target - just do all the same as vs Single target but this time cast Shackle of Pain on the other targe, the damage you receive from Reactive Armour will pass to the other target. Year ago +2Hi man,very nice guides and builds.

Although in most of them you are already at lvl 21 which scales your gear and stats big time in comparison to the underlevelled paladins at the bridge - lvl 18.I've seen some mods in the workshop which actually make the game harder, adding additional mobs to all groups or even additional spawns in locations where they were not before. May be it would be interresting how these builds work agains an enemy who is really challenging:)Other than that, another nice idea for a build, GJ.