Cara Menggunakan Sum Di Laravel
Jan 31, 2017 Di dalam tutorial ini, kamu akan mempelajari bagaimana menggunakan tiga formula Excel yang hebat: SUMIF, COUNTIF, dan AVERAGEIF. Di sini kita memiliki daftar transaksi dalam bulan tersebut dengan beberapa data pengeluaran. Di dalam screenshot di atas, kamu dapat melihat bahwa kita memiliki daftar transaksi pada sisi kiri.
Atau –seperti yang akan kita bahas di sini, melalui composer (dependency management). Baiklah, kita mulai saja proses persiapan Instalasi Framework Laravel 5 dengan cara menggunakan utility Composer. Install web server (localhost) pada komputer serta text editor jika belum tersedia. Pada tutorial ini, saya menggunakan xampp. May 13, 2017 Laravel 5.4: Cara Menerapkan Template Web di Project Laravel Andri Andreal. How to Make Laravel 5.4 CRUD Tutorial using Bootstrap. 4 framework PHP yang diminati di pasar Indonesia.
Cara Menggunakan Sum Di Laravel 1
Mungkin bisa di coba seperti ini,$results = DB::table('MSTBEASISWAS')-select(DB::raw('NMPERUSAHAAN,count(.) as totalcount,sum(FLAGTERIMA) as approved,sum(1 - FLAGTERIMA) as notapproved'))-groupBy('NMPERUSAHAAN')-get;dd($results);// atau bisa juga menggunakan query mentah sql, kira2 seperti ini$results1 = DB::select('SELECT NMPERUSAHAAN,count(.) as totalcount,sum(FLAGTERIMA) as approved,sum(1 - FLAGTERIMA) as notapprovedfrom MSTBEASISWASgroup by NMPERUSAHAAN');dd($results1);Belum di tes, tp semoga bisa membantu.
Ehi there, I'm new in laravel and I have some issues with laravel query builder.The query I would like to build is this one: SELECT SUM(transactions.amount)FROM transactionsJOIN categoriesON transactions.categoryid categories.idWHERE categories.kind '1'I tried building this but isn't working and I can't figure out where I am wrong. $purchases = DB::table('transactions')-sum('transactions.amount')-join('categories', 'transactions.categoryid', '=', '')-where('categories.kind', '=', 1)-select('transactions.amount')-get;I would like to get all the transactions that have the attribute 'kind' equal to 1 and save it in a variable.Here's the db structure:transactions( id, name, amount, categoryid)categories( id, name, kind). I am so sorry! I didn't knew I had to do that, I'm a newbie in stackoverflow! I am having other issues in my code, and maybe you can help me out. Sorry but I don't really get laravel query building methods.
Cara Menggunakan Sum Di Laravel 2
I have this query, which takes all the transactions that have categories with the kind equal to 1 and then I print the results to show them to the user. The problem is that all users can see them! The relations between the main tables are good, I guess something is wrong with the query, probably I should get the transactions created by the connected user. What should I change?–Jun 6 '15 at 0:15. Races of dragon pdf.